Summer 2017

Summer 2017


Artists represented in Summer 2017 are highly successfully and have graduated from top art schools like Yale and SMFA. They represent four different countries and three of the artists in the publication are full time professor. We got a chance to have a conversation Hollis Hammonds who is the Chair of the Visual Arts at St.Edwards University in Austin, TX which is published in this issue.  Her work has been shown in in museums and galleries across the country and we had a blast speaking to her exchanged laughs, and are thrilled to share our conversation with you. In addition to this conversation, we also had interviews with Texas photographer, Peter Hiatt, and New York based performance artist, Bonam Kim. 

In this issue, we aimed at creating more dialogue around the work. That is why we we created a brand new section where we partnered with Samantha Keith, curator of Fresh Contemporary, to talk about the work of four artists. We appreciate the insight she brings to the work and encourage you to check out the great things that Fresh Contemporary is doing. This is the first issue where we partnered with another art organization, and look forward to working with others in the future. Lastly, special thanks to Chase Christensen who redesigned the publication from the ground up.

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